Happy New Years!

I know, I know… Where the heck have you been Sami? Why haven’t you put out a post in forever!?
I’m sorry! I honestly don’t have a very good excuse. I wish I did… My little man turned one in October and my life has been consumed with him, babysitting, and crocheting! I swear, every free moment I have I have been crocheting. Then every weekend up until Christmas I was doing craft fairs. Now that 2014 is gone and 2015 has come crashing in, I finally have some time to just sit down and write.
The first thing I want to talk about is of course, my New Year’s Resolution. I don’t have one! I have a very short term healthy goal though. This year I plan to cut one or two things out of my diet each month. January it’s Soda and Sweet Tea because frankly, I just drink way to much of it and that isn’t very good for me. So this month I am only drinking water and coffee. I need my caffeine still. Sugarless coffee though, which works because my aunt bought me Pumpkin Coffee for Christmas which is fabulous! On top of this, my lovely fiancé purchased me an elliptical for Christmas as well and that shall be my daily half hour work out.
Why is this necessary? My whole life (from about 14-18 at least) I was 180lbs. That was big obviously but it was comfortable. I was healthy. Currently, at only 20 years old, I am 270lbs. I feel terrible. I wheeze walking down the street. I can barely bend over. My clothes don’t fit anymore. I’m willing to admit all these things because I’m not ashamed but things do need to change. I just drink too any sugary drinks, eat too much pasta, and my portion sizes need to change. I feel like I walk a good amount and get a decent amount of exercise but I need to step it up. My life, my child’s enjoyment, depends on it. So, wish me luck guys.
Next thing, my son is one! 15 months is more accurate but… He is walking, talking, and just too smart for my own good. He amazes me every single day. He is also still breastfeeding and sleeping with us but we have moved his mattresses next to our bed to give us all some extra room.
I’ve also begun taking a class called PLTI which stands for Parent Leader Training Institute. It’s essentially an ethics class that focuses on local government and how to make your community better for children. It’s a wonderful class and the people in it are truly wonderful. They just want to do what’s best for the kids and that’s a refreshing thing to see. Another big part of this is that the Three hours each week I am in the class, my son gets to go to daycare! It’s right in the building next to our class and I can go get him any time, but he is actually doing really well with it. You all know I am not a fan of daycares, I just don’t trust them, but he is with a bunch of older kids and seems genuinely happy to be there so for now we are sticking with it.
Another new thing unfortunately is that out laptop has broken which means any blog posts I put up will be from my phone. Because of that, please bare with me.
I think that’s a pretty decent update for now. I promise to try to post much more often from now on.
Thanks for sticking with me and Happy New Year!


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